Ordering International/IC Bus Truck Parts in RepairLink Shop

KB Article #4836

RepairLink Shop allows you to conveniently order International and IC Bus truck parts from U.S./Canada dealers in your area. You can quickly search by part number, description, or cross reference number or browse the manufacturer's catalog to find the parts you need and add them to your shopping cart.


  • To shop for heavy duty International or IC Bus truck parts, you must add an International/IC Bus dealer to your RepairLink Shop Dealer List. If you haven't yet, click here for detailed instructions.
  • The International EPC supports vehicles from 2000 and newer.
  • International has cross-reference parts that can replace a Peterbilt/PACCAR/Freightliner/Kenworth part or truck but the actual parts sold by those brands are not available in RepairLink. At this time RepairLink only supports selling International/IC Bus parts.

Want to learn more? Watch our video!

Submitting an order for heavy-duty truck parts can be accomplished in a few easy steps. Select a topic below or scroll down for complete information:

Step 1: Access the Heavy Duty Truck Part Search Window

Under the International / IC Bus tab, click Begin Part Search Here.

Step 2: Verify Dealer Information

The Dealer section will display your preferred heavy-duty truck dealer--if one was selected by your RepairLink Shop administrator. Otherwise, the closest dealer to your location will display. If needed, click the Select Dealer drop-down to choose another dealer for the parts search.

Step 3 - Option 1: Search by Part Number or Description

  1. In the Search By feature on the left:
    • Select Part # or Description to search.
    • Type the complete or partial International or IC Bus part number or a description of the part in the provided field.
    • Click Search.
  2. If a single match is found, the part will display in the search results. Note: Cross references will not display. If multiple parts are returned, use the Part Categories to select the correct one.
  3. Review the illustration(s) and part description to ensure you have the correct part. Note: To zoom in on any part of image, move over it with your mouse.
    • If the VMRS (Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards) code or Part Attributes are available for the part, they will display.
  4. Review the pricing and availability information.
    • Change the Qty. Req. field if you need more than one part.
  5. Click Add To Cart to send the part to your shopping cart.
  6. Repeat this process to add additional parts, if needed.
  7. You are now ready to send your order to the selected dealer

Step 3 - Option 2: Search by Cross Reference Number

Use the Cross Reference search to see all available options for a specific part number. The results will contain all matching non-International/IC Bus parts cross references that are active and sellable within International's Parts Information Master.

  1. Type at least three characters of the part number in the provided field.
  2. Click the Cross Reference button. 
  3. If your search returns are all in one category, part details will display. If results fall into multiple categories, click your desired category.
  4. Review the pricing and availability information.
    • Change the Qty. Req. field if you need more than one part.
  5. Click Add To Cart to send the part to your shopping cart.
  6. Repeat this process to add additional parts, if needed.
  7. You are now ready to send your order to the selected dealer

Step 3 - Option 3: Locate Parts in the OnCommand Parts Information Catalog

  1. If you haven't already, select a International/IC Bus preferred dealer. Note: This feature will not work if you haven't selected a preferred dealer.
  2. In the Search By feature on the right:
    • Type a name for the order in the Cart Name field. (Consider using the Make/Year/Model or VIN so you can identify the order.)
    • Type the truck's full VIN or eight-digit chassis number in the VIN/Serial # field.
    • Click Open Catalog.
  3. If the VIN/Serial # provided is valid, the On Command Parts Information Catalog will display in a new browser tab or window.
  4. Use one of the following options to locate your parts in the catalog:
    • Most Popular: This tab allows you to browse the catalog for parts by selecting a category and sub-category.  Select the category and check your selections.
    • Detail List: This tab allows you to browse the catalog for parts by selecting a category and sub-category.
    • Search: Click this tab to search for part(s) by one or more part numbers or keywords.
  5. Once you have located the part(s) in the catalog:
    • Check the box to the left of parts you want to order. Selected parts will be added to OnCommand's Part List feature.
    • Click the Parts List icon in the upper right-hand corner of the catalog to access the selected parts.
  6. Click Add Selected Parts to RepairLink Cart to send the part(s) to your cart in RepairLink Shop.
  7. The Catalog will display a confirmation message indicating the parts have been added to the RepairLink shopping cart.
    • If you want to locate and add additional parts from the catalog, click Continue Shopping and repeat this process.
    • If you are ready to return to RepairLink Shop, close the browser tab/window that displays the catalog.
  8. Return to the RepairLink Shop tab/browser. You are now ready to send your order to the selected dealer.

Step 3 - Option 4: Locate Parts by Category

  1. Click on a part category to begin your search.
  2. Use the Filter Results column to narrow your choices further until you locate the part you need.
  3. Review the pricing and availability information.
    • Change the Qty. Req. field if you need more than one part.
  4. Click Add To Cart to send the part to your shopping cart.
  5. Repeat this process to add additional parts, if needed.
  6. You are now ready to send your order to the selected dealer

Step 4 - Review and Submit the Order

  1. When you are done adding parts to your cart, click the Shopping Cart icon to view your shopping cart details.
  2. If you want to add additional parts to the cart, you have two options:
    • Add parts one at a time: Type a valid part number in the Add Parts to List field and click Add Part.
    • Upload a parts list: Click Choose File to locate and import a list of parts stored in a .CSV or TXT file. (Click here for more information.)
  3. Review the pricing and availability information for each part displayed in the Parts List section.
  4. When you are ready to complete your order:
    • If blank, provide a name for the order in the Cart Name field. (Consider using the Make/Year/Model or VIN so you can identify the order.)
    • Type your reference number in the PO# field.
    • If needed, type additional instructions or comments for the dealer in the Note text box.
  5. To complete the order:
    If the parts list is a common order that you want to repeat in the future, click Save Re-Order so you don't have to spend the time re-typing it. (Click here for more information.)
    • If you want to close the cart for now, click Save Cart to complete and submit it at a later time. (Click here for more information.)
    • If you are ready to submit the parts list to your dealer now, click Order.
  6. A record of your order will display on the Order/Cart management window with a Status of New.
  7. You can return to your sent orders at any time to track status updates, view estimated delivery times, and check for notes/responses from your dealer by clicking Orders/Carts and then Sent Orders from the main menu.

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